School Management Software is a paperless office automation solution for today’s modern schools. The School Management Software provides facility to carry out all day to day critical operations of the schools faster, easier, efficient and accurate. Highly laborious and time consuming tasks like admissions, fee management, timetable generation, payroll management, and accounting are carried out easily and accurately, saving a lot of time. It helps the staff to manage, analyze and generate reports of school information saving a lot of time, manpower and money.
A School is an organization having large amount of data resources spread up in all directions in form of clerks, teachers, students, staff and so on and wants to provide best of the facilities to its students efficiently and in a best manner. Portfol – School Management System provides the best solutions for all the school needs. a company which has been doing software development jobs over a decade and satisfying the customers over the globe since long. Portfol School Management System is especially designed for the School people by our team to make functioning of school administration and management work of an institute effortless and easy which is carried out on a daily basis. School Management System is an easy and simple to use software that makes daily routine work hassle-free and accurate.
Our SMS(SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) is a comprehensive educational ERP and administrative software that is highly beneficial to all types of educational institutions. Using this software you can monitor the overall working of your whole institution and have a control over its day-to day activities. In addition, parents can use this software to keep track of their kid’s performance at school. Our SMS(SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) has modules to manage Timetable, Attendance, Examinations, Gradebooks, Campus News, Hostel, Library, Transportation, School Calendar, Events and many more.The Fees module helps you to plan and allot different fee structures to students. There is an internal messaging system within Our SMS(SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) but you can also integrate it with external communication tools like email and SMS texting.
4 Predefined Roles: Admins, Teachers, Students & Parents
Easily customize administrators previllages or full previllages
Have access to their students data, Approve students, Control attendance and marks
Have access to data, Take exams, download material, See schedule and more
Can see their students progress, absense, Marksheet & use messaging
Set your own static pages with rich editor and select the scope of visibility
Create polls & control visibility to user roles
Simple way fro messaging between users
Public Registeration, Administrator & teachers approval.
administrationThis module allows user to send the sms or auto SMS can be setup, for due fee defaulters, paid fee confirmation, absent student msg.
Can maintain the account in this module, can setup the fees structure of the course, and can maintain the daily expense and support paypal integration and much more
Manage student's academic years and track their progress over years
Easily promote students to new academic years & track past data of students
Manage students & teachers attendance. Track their data over dates
Teachers & students can apply for vacations requests. Viewed in attendance and can be approved / declined
Manage exams, Grade levels & Marksheet. Bulk marksheet generation supported.
Manage Assignment, Upload files & students can upload answers files
Create Online library by either download or book availability on library
Upload images, youtube & vimeo videos in unlimited albums
Upload & manage student's studey material. Classified with classes
Declare youe school news & events. Control it's visibility to user roles
List events, news, exams & online exams on calendar
Manage Hostel & their relashio to students
Control students transportation & track their subscription
Dormitories, classes & subjectsare 3 categories to organize structure
Create classes schedule/routine for each class
Create classes schedule/routine for each class
Generate marksheet, export to PDF & Bulk generation
Create classes Grade levels for each class
Generate data reports about various parts of system
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